Grants for Branches

AAUW-Illinois offers several grants available for branches. Click the links to download the relevant application.

How can your branch apply?

Local Engagement Grant (LEG), Start Smart and Work Smart Grant applications can be submitted any time during the year and will be acted on within 30 days.

Questions? Contact the AAUW-IL Finance Director. (all emails are in the Members Only page)

  • Community Action Grants
    AAUW-IL will consider funding any Community Action Grant received by an AAUW-IL branch that has been only partially funded by AAUW Funds.  The branch must submit the request in writing to the AAUW-IL Finance Director , making sure to detail the project and expected expenses.
  • First Time Convention Attendees
    AAUW-IL will pay the Saturday registration fee for a first time attendee at Illinois state conventions.
  • Grants for Start Smart & Work Smart Programs
    AAUW-IL will help branches establish a Start Smart or Work Smart program in their community by awarding these grants. Applications can be submitted any time.
    Download the application for Start Smart and Work Smart [pdf].
  • Local Engagement Grants (LEG Up)
    AAUW-IL will help branches fund programs that promote and reflect the mission of AAUW. Applications can be submitted any time.
    Download the LEG application [pdf]