Membership Information

AAUW is the oldest organization in the United States
dedicated to women and girls.

Membership is open to women and men who hold an associate degree or equivalent, or a baccalaureate or higher degree from a qualified educational institution.

Main types of Membership

  • Branch: Includes membership in National AAUW, AAUW-Illinois & a local branch. Find an Illinois AAUW branch near you.
    A branch member will pay national dues + AAUW-Illinois dues + branch dues.
  • National: Includes membership only in National AAUW. A national member is NOT affiliated with AAUW-Illinois nor a local branch.

Annual Dues:

New or Renewing Member: Association: $72 (tax deductible) + IL State: $10 + branch dues

Student Affiliate: (Members who are college undergraduates at a two-or four-year regionally accredited educational institution, or degree-seeking graduate students):  Association: $18.81 + IL State: $3

National: (National members do not belong to a branch nor to the AAUW-IL state organization; they belong only to national AAUW):   Association: $72

50-Year Honorary Member:  Association and IL State dues are waived. Branch dues may be waived depending on each branch

Benefits of AAUW Membership

  • Advocacy for women and girls in the areas of equity and education
  • Receive current AAUW information along with the award-winning quarterly magazine AAUW Outlook
  • Branch meetings and study group meetings
  • Outstanding programming for education and leadership development
  • Networking and links to women in local communities and nationwide
  • Illinois AAUW E-mail Network
  • Fellowships and grants to graduate women
  • Support for gender discrimination plaintiffs
  • Making global impact through international initiatives and partnerships

College and University Members

Many Illinois Colleges and Universities (including Community Colleges who award 2-year Associate Degrees) can be, or currently are, institutional members of AAUW. Read about our current College/University Members.

More Info

In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

If you have questions or want to join, please contact your local branch or the
Illinois Membership Vice Presidents .

To find branches outside Illinois, use the AAUW branch locator,  call 1-800-326-AAUW, or email