
Legacy Circle

Become a member of the AAUW Legacy Circle by making a planned gift to AAUW and affirming your commitment to the future of women and girls. These gifts can be given to AAUW’s general fund or directed to your preferred program. Planned gifts expand our programs and public policy agenda by providing for future generations of women and girls.

Contact our AAUW Funds Director for more details. Find the email in the Members Only section.

 AAUW-Illinois, Inc. Partnerships

AAUW-Illinois, Inc. collaborates to achieve its mission of education and equity for all women and girls. As an organization, AAUW-IL, Inc. has a formal membership with the following group.

  • Piasa Area Council includes the following branches: Alton/Wood River, Belleville, and Jersey Calhoun.

Special Committee/Affiliate:
National Girls Collaborative Project advances the agenda of gender equity. Encourages girls to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).


AAUW National Resources

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National AAUW Research

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